Where It All Started
I was born in Russia, just after the fall of the USSR, during a time when the country was in turmoil. There was a severe economic crisis that lasted for years. Food was scarce, and people had to exchange coupons for basic goods. As you can imagine, it was a chaotic and unsettling time. The stress my family endured during that period was unimaginable, and of course, it affected me deeply. My childhood was marked by a constant lack and scarcity—something that stayed with me for years.
This environment developed a drive in me — an urgent need to strive, to be better than others. It was all about being strong, hiding weaknesses, and constantly guarding myself. This shaped me into a high achiever, someone who was never satisfied with their results and always striving for more. But it also led me to become quite disconnected from my own emotions and heart, leaving me a defensive and reactive person.
I finished school with excellent grades, earned a Bachelor’s degree in Finland, and worked at prestigious corporations in Germany and Sweden — places that many people dream about. But despite all of this, I always felt out of place, like I didn’t truly belong. I wanted more, but I had no idea what that “more” was. I was stuck in that all-too-familiar feeling of being lost, unsure of my next steps.
Yet, even in the midst of challenges, there were positives. Growing up in a difficult environment — experiencing my parents' painful divorce and facing early trauma, instilled in me a deep hunger for knowledge and a desire to break free from the cycles.
At the age of 16, I discovered Fyodor Dostoevsky and Leo Tolstoy, which sparked an interest in the human psyche that would evolve into a fascination with psychology. This interest marked the beginning of my transformation. While I was making shifts in my life, there was always a feeling that I didn’t have the right tools to achieve the true transformation I longed for.
My Spiritual Awakening
The real turning point in my life came with my spiritual awakening — the realization that I am more than just my physical body. Before this, I was deeply science-oriented and didn’t believe in anything that couldn’t be proven by science. But as my life became increasingly difficult and I found myself feeling trapped, lost, and desperate for several years, I now see that this was exactly what I needed to wake me up. That opened my mind to spirituality.
The awakening process itself wasn’t easy. It led to a long period of shedding my old identity, but it also gave me the tools I needed to truly transform. Thanks to my high-achiever mindset, I stayed committed and consistent, even during the toughest moments — which, let me tell you, were many.
Years of healing have led me to a place today where every day is filled with joy, excitement, love, and peace. I feel deeply fulfilled and content with where I am, even though there’s so much more I want to experience. I’ve cultivated a deep union and alignment within myself, which brings harmony and balance into my life — even during challenging times, as I keep creating, learning, growing and evolving.
My Mission
For a long time, I searched for my life’s purpose. But like most things, it was revealed to me when I was finally ready. It made perfect sense, though — by that time, I had already been helping others, sharing knowledge, and guiding people through challenges. But then, I was ready to take it further and begin teaching in a more structured and impactful way.
My journey has been anything but easy, but as many of us experience, we often must first face our own struggles and suffering in order to help others. We can only truly guide people along a path we’ve walked ourselves — one where we moved through the trials and learned the lessons.
The truth is, it doesn’t matter if you feel unworthy, stuck, or lost. It doesn’t matter if you’re not where you want to be — there is always a way forward. A joyful and fulfilling life is possible, and it starts with your journey inward.
I’d be honored to support you on that path. Witnessing the transformation of others is one of the most rewarding aspects of my work, and I’m here to help you create the life you’ve always dreamed of.